Sbwl is a Xhosa shorthand for “sabaweli”. Sabaweli, which in turn is a shorthand of “andisabaweli, andisayibaweli, etc.”, is built from the root word “ukubawela” which means to crave, want, desire, wish for, fancy, yearn, etc.

1. Umntu wakho xa ebona mna, uthi sbwl. >> When your person sees me, s/he says sbwl.

2. Sbwl beer today.

3. Sbwl the coronavirus to just disappear. 


Rabha (pronounced rubber) is a Xhosa slang term for a kiss.

When she got here, ndiye ndamthi rabha.
When she got here, I gave her a kiss.


Ijaja is a widely used South African slang term to refer to God.

I don't care what you say, ijaja is my witness.


Isgantsontso is a buff person, more like a sgora.

Nonsense, utsho ngoba sisgantsontso


A domkop is a name given to someone who is an idiot.

You can be a domkop sometimes 🤦🏽‍♂️


Isgubhu is a South African slang term that initially meant music drums or a bassline before it later referred to all dance music.

South Africans love any song with isgubhu


This is a slang word for R1000, that is 1 thousand South African rands.
The literal meaning of Stina is brick (in Zulu)

I only need 2 stina then I’ll be fine.


Get a seamstress or a taylor to make you an outfit, because my relationship is getting serious and I may be getting married soon.

Thungisani it's looks like things are looking good.


Mamazala is a term used to refer to mother-in-law.

I'm so happy with my mamazala, unlike many people.


A term we used to use back in the day to refer to the 50c coin. Ama2000 would not know it.

No one:

5 year old me: Ndicela noba yi zuka to buy sweets.

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