
To stand and be at alert or wait.

Pozi for here. Meaning wait for (me) here.

Pozi make dem no loss you. Stand at alert so that you're not pickpocketed


These word BOTTY stand for a person which comes from a rich background

Soyinka is a botty boy


These word EFIKO stand for a brilliant person

Tolu is an efiko of our class

Chop rice

Chop rice is a Nigerian slang term that means “eat rice”.

Ehhhhh. Chop rice, chop rice, chop rice.


Prostitute, escort

"That girl na olosho." Meaning "That girl is a prostitute"


Abeg simply means Please. Its a word derived from "I beg"

Abeg, give me money.


Yawa is a slang for problem or trouble.

"That girl na yawa" meaning That is trouble.


Comot is a Nigerian pidgin term that means 'go', 'leave', or 'get out!'

Make we comot (Let us go out)
Comot from dia ( leave)
Comot! (Get out!)


Wahala is a Nigerian slang term that means trouble.

Your wife is suspecting us, I don't want wahala.

Tight Nyansh

Conservative, miserly, cheap or
Extreemly stingy.

He eats once a day to save money." He wan do tight- yansh".

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