
Is Xhosa word to categorise Xhosa men abaculelwa uSomagwaza who went to Initiation school apart from boys & men from other tribes.

I'm a Xhosa Dyani✓✓✓

(I'm a Hlubi/Sotho or Zulu Dyani) Hai ninganya minqundu

Durban poison

A very strong strain of dagga or weed grown in Durban.

This is not your normal shit, this is Durban poison.

Daka Boy

Daka Boy is a derogatory term for someone who mixes the cement during construction.

He lied to you, he’s not the foreman, he’s the Daka Boy.


Durban is a beautiful coastal city in the eastern parts of KZN province, South Africa.

I love the weather in Durban, man.


Dhloogle is a term used on X, formerly Twitter to refer to Sizwe Dhlomo’s tendency of “knowing” everything under the sun. You can ask him anything and he will have an answer. No articles, no references, just him being sure about everything.

Guy 1: I just heard that in 1994, ANC won the elections but Nelson Mandela made the call to give it to the IFP for stability.

Guy 2: where did you hear that?

Guy 1: From Dhloogle.


What's going on, what's up

Hey, dintshang?


Used in saying someone or something done is cool. It also depends on how you say what you are trying to say.

O dese!- Your cool/ You are cool!
E dese!- Its cool!


Dispa is a Xhosa slang term that means to sleep.

Sure boss, ndisayo dispa ngoku.
Sure boss, I am going to sleep now.


A domkop is a name given to someone who is an idiot.

You can be a domkop sometimes 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dagga is the term we use in South Africa to refer to weed.

I can't wait to get home and smoke my dagga.

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