
Itoti is a general term for a can or tin. It can be a can of beer, food or whatever, as long as it's a can you can call it itoti.

I stopped drinking ngud, I only drink itoti now.

Jou mase gat

This is an Afrikaans swear term that directly translates to “your mother’s vagina”. It’s similar to jou mase poes.

Voetsek with your nonsense, Jou mase gat.


The 750ml or 660ml beer or cider (quart).
Can also be called Ngud (without the last u)

Yabona ng'zomosha kakhulu


A slang term for sex or tlof tlof.

Why do guys fall asleep immediately after umdavazo?


An expression of surprise or shock (basically means wow), mostly used by Xhosa speaking people. It can also be spelt as Hayibo.

Haibo, is this really happening?


Masandawana is a nickname for South African soccer team Mamelodi Sundowns.

I'm a loyal supporter of masandawana.


Magesi is a South African football team that plays in the Betway Premiership. They recently won their first trophy, in their first season in top flight football, by beating Mamelodi Sundowns.

Magesi is here to dominate.

How far

This is a common Nigerian greeting that means "How is everything?" or "How is it going?". It is a simple, informal greeting that’s best used with people you know well, or in casual settings.

Hey man, How far?

Financial comma

When you are almost broke, you are only left with money to survive for less than a week.

I can't go out today, I'm in a financial comma, and I'm only getting paid next week.


A SePitori term for nyaope withdrawal symptoms.
Drugs/Nyaope cravings.

Others are having alostro because of lockdown.

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