
Swi is a Zimbabwean slang term for Alright/Fine.

The poem you wrote ibinguswi


Shona slang that generally refers to Zimbabweans, particularly in a playful or informal manner. It’s derived from the term “Zimbabwe,” and is often used to describe Zimbabwean people as a group.

someone might say, “Mazimba anoda kuenda kuJoni”—meaning, “Zimbabweans like going to Johannesburg” (often for work or business). The term is typically not derogatory but can carry a sense of national pride or identity in informal conversation.


A noun that describes a state of being overwhelmed by a situation OR refers to a very difficult situation that appears to have no solution.

Haaah ma1 wangu! I don't even have taxi fare to get there.


Mudhoto is slang term meaning big booty or bigass. Mudhoto is famous in Zimbabwe.

My girlfriend has mudhoto

Butterfly Effect

The feeling of tiredness and or laziness that a person feels when they are slowly sobering up from smoking weed or eating edibles.

I began to go through Butterfly effect after smoking a joint


In Shona it means powers

Hurumende ine masimba ekuchinja mutemo


Being selfish or being flashy

We cant go out with him because ano dada


Rutendo a female given name in Zimbabwe.
It translate to giving praise

We give God Rutendo


Tyoka to break

Susan aka tyoka meaning her leg is broken


A bird

Hona shiri
Meaning: Look at that bird

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