
"Hello"; also used before combat. Example in combat: Hosh, jy raak wys ("Hello, show me what you made of"). This gang-related word occurs inside as well as outside of prison: use at own discretion

Hosh nongoloza, come here.


Zkhiphani or zikhiphani is a Mzansi slang term for "What's up", "what it do", "what's happening", and so on... You get the picture.

Ola mjita, zkhiphani lapho.

Underground gang

A skrr skrr way of referring to the ancestors.

You fam, the underground gang won't be happy about that.


A Xhosa term for small boy. It is generally used by older men when referring to a younger boy.
It can also be used to refer to an adult male but you need to make sure that you are not scared of that person you call kwedini.

I will moer you, kwedini. Don't disrespect me like that.


Directly translates to: We are eating cotton. This is a statement said when you feel that you've dressed to impress or you dress nicely in general.

"Sidl'ukotini kwedini, cava le jean kwedini" - Rick Rick


Local term for cotton.

Sidl'ukotini kwedini.

Sad generation

The generation of people who are sad during the week and extremely happy on weekends. You will see them with their Savannas on their heads, dancing to amapiano.

"We are a sad generation with happy pictures"
I am a proud member of the "sad generation".


Weed from Swaziland that is very potent.

Come let's smoke, I've got some swazi here.


A South African dance where the person squats and kicks at the same time. It is one of the most popular dances in South Africa.

Look at how she does the vosho. You can see that she is a regular at groove.


A twitter celebrity who usually has a lot of followers.

These twelebs are always plagiarising our posts and get more likes for them.

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