
Intshebe is a Nguni term for beard.

Intshebe yam iyakhula.
My beard is growing.


A term used to describe someone regarded as a fool or someone who is very gullible or being conned

My maga promise me hundred thousand Naira


A term used to refer to the South African Tactical Response Team.
Those cops that wear berets and moer people.

He was moered by amaberete, that's why he is behaving now.


Bosso is a slang term for boss.
Boss is someone who spins a car asa e namela.
Boss is someone who eats Rice Crispy with Whiskey.

That guy ke bosso.


Touchline Operator, MBUZI.
One feels pressure when he is around

“Dai man ke GAETZ“


Pardon me. Particularly in an official and formal setting e.g. in a meeting or when asking for forgiveness from the elderly.

"Ngxe, bantakwethu." - Pardon me, my kin.


It is a word mostly used by bemba people living in Zambia Copperbelt which means coward

You're a kembo

Isibhamu somdoko

Isibhamu somdoko is a recent viral term that means penis or dick. Isibhamu is gun and umdoko is porridge, so the whole term translates to porridge gun 🍆💦

Ngimshaye ngesibhamu somdoko.


This is a Kasi term for a very attractive lady.

Dai girl li shambula 🔥


Directly translates to: We are eating cotton. This is a statement said when you feel that you've dressed to impress or you dress nicely in general.

"Sidl'ukotini kwedini, cava le jean kwedini" - Rick Rick

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