Skrr skrr
Are mostly ama2000 and you will see them with their weird clothes, American accent, dreads with a fade or just a clean fade and they listen to weird Hip Hop songs. They always want to be seen and are very hard to miss.
They are the same WhatsApp group with cheese boys.
1. I knew he was a skrr skrr just from the way he was dressed.
2. Skrr skrr niggas will break your heart and help you through the heartbreak then break it again.
A group of racist individuals that also have a love for mango flavored vapes.
The niggasaures had a beat off last week.
Matric Dance
Also known as Matric Farewell - Is when grade 12 (last year of high school) learners have one final formal function, often followed by parties, underage drinking and bad decisions. Each school usually has its own dance and pupils usually come with a date and wear expensive suits and dresses.
Americans would call it prom
I don't know who I am going to take to the Matric Dance.