
Is a colloquial Xhosa term for pubic hair.
Also see izinza.

iinzeft zam ziyarhawzela.


Being selfish or being flashy

We cant go out with him because ano dada


It is a hybrid-English word that means to provide your full strength to accompilsh something important to you. It is used in many contexts depending on the message you want to convey.

As soon as he met her, belongings were given.
Wait for Thursday, we'll give your belongings.


Also known as babalaas is hangover.

Stlamatlama is killing me today.


Toto means Pusy

See how this girl open her toto down


A term that is used to refer to a very old car.

Push iskorokoro.


Covidpreneurs are those dodgy tenderpreneurs who loot the government money intended for Covid-19 tenders. They register dodgy businesses and win tenders but they either not deliver at all or they deliver below par results.

Deals that are believed to be worth more than R2.2bn, involving emergency purchases of personal protective equipment (PPE) are being said to be chowed by Covidpreneurs.


Sbwl is a Xhosa shorthand for “sabaweli”. Sabaweli, which in turn is a shorthand of “andisabaweli, andisayibaweli, etc.”, is built from the root word “ukubawela” which means to crave, want, desire, wish for, fancy, yearn, etc.

1. Umntu wakho xa ebona mna, uthi sbwl. >> When your person sees me, s/he says sbwl.

2. Sbwl beer today.

3. Sbwl the coronavirus to just disappear. 


Abeg simply means Please. Its a word derived from "I beg"

Abeg, give me money.


Is a popular Xhosa slang which means What's going on. It's most popular in the Eastern Cape streets.

Whuzet nawe nalamntana uMbali?

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