
A trash can, dustbin

Ndizalahla apa le ekumgqomo

Cape Flats

The term Cape Flats refers to a flat, sandy stretch of land which is located on the outskirts of the city of Cape Town. It has been accurately described as the "dumping ground of apartheid" and it is here that people of colour (non-whites in "old South Africa" language) were relocated to in terms of the infamous Group Areas Act.

I am from the Cape Flats where we hear gunshots every night.


Fede may be used to say "alright" or "okay" and it is mainly used that way in the southern townships of Johannesburg and many parts of Gauteng.

Fede, I'll sort it out.

2 minute noodles

An offensive term used to refer to men who suffer from premature ejaculation (men who cum early).

She says she won't sleep with him again cause he is a 2 minute noodle.


Short for Magezel'empompeni, is a derogatory name used to refer to a taxi driver. The word directly translates to "the one who baths from a tap". The name originates from that stereotype that taxi drivers have a long distance relationship with water.

Abo mageza from Jozi are so rude and funny at the same time.


Ukufemba is a spiritual healing /energy healing where an inyanga removes bad spirits in one's body or foreign objects in the yard or car. It's an African exorcism (ukukhipha imimoya emibi).

I need to try ukufemba.


The guy who buys the alcohol and make sure that everyone is taken care of.

If you still want to drink, please o ska bora moreki my sister.


It's a new word to ask a friend how he/she is doing.

Ekse Bathini nigga?


Being selfish or being flashy

We cant go out with him because ano dada

Tlof tlof

Another word for sex. It is called tlof tlof because of the sounds during sex.

He started crying during tlof tlof.

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