
I don't know

When you want to shorten the word I don't know you say it as idk


Qhoqhoqho is a Xhosa term for the trachea (windpipe/throat).

Ndizakuqhawula uqhoqhoqho.
I will slit your throat.


A person with a heart made out of ice, with rotten intentions.

Ngwanyana o wa tela.


Stufuza is a term for a chubby person.

I like my man as a stufuza.


A slang term or kasi term for BMW 325is.

They were spinning that gusheshe like crazy in Gomora last night.


A fat woman who looks like an idiot.
She doesn't think she's full of diabetes.

The fattest woman is Ngwije.
Even God himself can't reduce her weight.


Ufasti is a term Xhosa people use to refer to the main chick or main partner. Some call it 560.

Ngufasti wam lawey
She is my main girlfriend


Short for Magezel'empompeni, is a derogatory name used to refer to a taxi driver. The word directly translates to "the one who baths from a tap". The name originates from that stereotype that taxi drivers have a long distance relationship with water.

Abo mageza from Jozi are so rude and funny at the same time.


A twitter celebrity who usually has a lot of followers.

These twelebs are always plagiarising our posts and get more likes for them.


An iceboy / ice boy is a broke guy who drinks with guys who have money (usually guys he grew up with). They send him around to buy ice, open the beers for them and do all crazy things because he does not contribute financially.

Don't be fooled by all that alcohol he is carrying, he is just an iceboy and not the moreki.

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