Financial comma
When you are almost broke, you are only left with money to survive for less than a week.
I can't go out today, I'm in a financial comma, and I'm only getting paid next week.
A derogatory term for foreigners in South African slang, particularly foreigners from African countries.
Can also be spelt as Kwirikwiri or kwarakwara.
Stop calling foreign people kwerekwere!
Tata, a colloquial word from Liberia, is used to refer to the female organ responsible for receiving the penis in a friendly manner.
The softness and sweetness of Kebeh's tata send one to chill in heaven with Christ and Father Abraham.
Dala what you must
Is a South African term that means do what you must / do what you have to do.
Guy 1: When are you paying me my money?
Guy 2: You know I don't have money.
Guy 1: If you don't give me my money now, I will moer you.
Guy 2: Dala what you must, chief.