
A person who is always doing stupid things.
A foolish person.

Nnenna be mugu oh.

Sizwe Dhlomo

Sizwe Dhlomo is a South African tweleb and part time radio show host. He is always giving “expert” opinion on every topic on X, formerly Twitter, which inspired the term Dhloogle.

“I know it’s correct cause Sizwe Dhlomo said it” - said no one ever.

Tse nzima

Tse nzima is a word used to describe people who are good at something. It is normally used as a compliment.

If you get the girl your friends can say to you
Tse Nziiiiiiiima.


This is a slang word for R1000, that is 1 thousand South African rands.
The literal meaning of Stina is brick (in Zulu)

I only need 2 stina then I’ll be fine.


Also known as Pretoria. This is the capital city of South Africa. The people of this city speak what they call SePitori.

I know I'm a dick, akere I'm from Pitori.


Hierso is a South African slang term that means "Here", "Right here". It is taken from the Afrikaans language.

"I'll be hierso goseng, wa nkolota" - Khuli Chana in No More Hunger


Anyone born between 1998 and 2005. That's the Skrr skrr generation. You will see them with their durags and tight pants.

Ama2000 like thinking that they know everything.



You never know wetin god has for you


The African National Congress, known as the ANC is a South African political party that is currently in power.

I would rather die than to vote for the ANC thieves.

Banyana Banyana

The South African Women's soccer team.

Banyana Banyana is the best women's soccer team in Africa, unlike Bafana Bafana.

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