A person who enters a relationship for the sole purpose of having a place to stay or avoid being homeless.
I just found out the girl I was actually a hobosexual.
A Xhosa name for a traditional nurse that takes care of an initiate (umkhwetha) during initiation (circumcision).
Ikhankatha plays a major role during initiation.
Mngani wa yena
A Tsonga term for "his friend / her friend" that is apparently used to identify unknown soccer players by commentators.
They would call all the names of the "famous" players and when they reach the unknown player, they would say mngani wa yena (his friend).
And he passes the ball to Jabu Pule... Jabu Pule passes to mngani wa yena.
Dala what you must
Is a South African term that means do what you must / do what you have to do.
Guy 1: When are you paying me my money?
Guy 2: You know I don't have money.
Guy 1: If you don't give me my money now, I will moer you.
Guy 2: Dala what you must, chief.