
A man/boy/guy, also synonymous with "gent", "mjita".
Plural: Ma auti

I was out with ma auti


Igoni is a kasi slang term for a knife.

The guys who robbed me was carrying igoni


Ikaka is a Xhosa term for shit or feces.

Uthetha Ikaka.
You are talking shit.

419 fraud

A scam that typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster claims will be used to obtain the large sum

419 fraud has increased significantly in recent years.

O dese

In Sepitori, dese means good, beautiful... anything great. You may use it to say you are good at something or even use it to say you are beautiful.
The "O" in front stands for "You" or "You are".

O dese girl, ebele o lepyatla


The drug that is killing the youth of South Africa. It makes these kids do all crazy things just to get that high.

He is behaving like this because he smoked nyaope.


A guy/ gentleman/clever man

How's it Mjita; 'm just Moja (fine)


Term mostly used in the Northern parts of the country to refer to sweet flavoured and coloured popcorns.
Some parts of the country call them amaKip-kip

I bought my nephews some skopas from the Spaza shop.


I'm not with it

You want me to sacrifice my time for something that won't work out? Andizi shame


Garri, pronounced gah-ree,, is made from granulated cassava, a root vegetable that's poisonous unless you peel and cook it first. Commonly found in West Africa, there are two types of garri: yellow and white. The flavor depends on how long it's been fermented and the presence of palm oil.

The prices of staple foods such as rice, beans and garri have increased astronomically.

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