
An iceboy / ice boy is a broke guy who drinks with guys who have money (usually guys he grew up with). They send him around to buy ice, open the beers for them and do all crazy things because he does not contribute financially.

Don't be fooled by all that alcohol he is carrying, he is just an iceboy and not the moreki.

Ikhaya lokugqibela

Ikhaya lokugqibela is a term in Xhosa that means the last resting place (where a person is buried).

I'm praying for everyone who tries to steal my lover to go kwikhaya lakhe lokugqibela


A Xhosa greeting used to greet multiple people. You use molo to greet one person.

Molweni bantu abadala.


To hit someone to a pulp.

Don't try me, I will bliksem you.


"Hello"; also used before combat. Example in combat: Hosh, jy raak wys ("Hello, show me what you made of"). This gang-related word occurs inside as well as outside of prison: use at own discretion

Hosh nongoloza, come here.


Umgosi in South Africa means gossip.

No one:

Girls: I have so much mgosi for you my friend.


A man/boy/guy, also synonymous with "gent", "mjita".
Plural: Ma auti

I was out with ma auti


A derogatory Afrikaans slang term for a gay person. Similar to the word faggot in English.

You don’t watch football? ⚽️ you might be a moffie


Tao is a slang term for a 'thousand' (money).

My life would be better if I could get 5 tao right now.


This is a South African way of saying Barbecue.

Tonight, we deserve to have  braai and celebrate the great year we've had

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