
It is a language

I speak Tsonga


Having sex without a condom.

I'm going in there skoon baba.


It is used to describe something that is very nice or can be used when you agree or like something

This food is very nxa
Nxa I'll see you later


Qlyv is a shortened version of "Ndiyaqala uyiva", a Xhosa term that means "it is my first time hearing about it".

Girl 1: I hear you are dating Thabo.
Girl 2: Qlyv


Is an Oshiwambo word that simply means love

Ohole so nice

Luphi ugqoko

Luphi ugqoko is a chant or a phrase introduced by Bhinca Nation especially Blue Reigning Nation meaning "Where is the wooden tray/wooden board". It is directed to Khangelani DSD "Isilo" "Ugqoko lukazwelonke" Mhlongo, who has contributed a lot in South African traditional Music, Maskandi.

Luphi ugqoko lukazwelonke? Luuuuphi?


Agbarha-otor is a kingdom in north part of ughelli Delta state Nigeria. The meaning of Agbarha-otor: tier and loss Land

Let's tier and loss the land.
It's a misery words used and also some part ritual of the initiation of the ancient ancestors used for the generations to trace thier way back home

Vat n sit

Is a term used in South Africa to refer to a situation where two people who are not married are living together.

Those ones will never get married. They've been doing vat n sit for more than 5 years.

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