
Zulu is the most widely spoken home language in South Africa (about 24% of the population), and it is understood by over 50% of South African population.

Zulu guys will hurt you big time.


Pedi is a South African language spoken by a group of people known as the Marota/Bapedi.

I am a proud Pedi.


Indlala is the formal Xhosa term for hunger or poverty.
Also see Ikati ilele eziko

Indlala inamanyala and it can make you do anything.


A Xhosa and Zulu term for thick curdled milk, also known as maas; similar to yoghurt. A traditional drink, amasi is now produced commercially.

Xhosa people would choose amasi over meat.


A Sepitori term for a loose girl or sfebe.
Can also be spelt as Mogwanthi.

Mogwanti wa Pitori.


Used in saying someone or something done is cool. It also depends on how you say what you are trying to say.

O dese!- Your cool/ You are cool!
E dese!- Its cool!

Wendy Williams Day

Wendy Williams day is a holiday that is celebrated in South Africa every year on April 10th... This is of course according to Wendy Williams and whoever lied to her because there's no such.

We are having a huge braai for Wendy Williams Day.


Ihule is another Xhosa term for a whore or sfebe.
Plural: Amahule

yhu lihule usisi wakho.



Sharon have a fat pumpum


South African slang term for R100 (1 Hundred Rands).
Some call it Klipa.

I just need 2 drata then I'll be fine.

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