
It's those mxit abbreviations from back in the day that means "How u doing"

Guy: Hi
Girl: Hi
Guy: Hud
Girl: Gud u
Guy: Gud, wud?


A rich, usually older guy who exchanges his money for sexual benefits from young girls and/or boys.

Chomie, I got this new iPhone from my Blesser.


South African slang-term used as a direct substitute for the words “I’m sorry”. Pronounced as Hah-deh.

Big Bro: Who ate the mnyanelis I left in fridge?!
You: It was me big bro, hade.


Ufasti is a term Xhosa people use to refer to the main chick or main partner. Some call it 560.

Ngufasti wam lawey
She is my main girlfriend


To ukusikiphiko is when you are in the front seat of a car and have your elbow outside of the window.

Did you see him in his friend's car, ebesikiphiko and pretending not to see us.


A chiller is the name given to a diehard fan of the popular South African podcast called Podcast and Chill with MacG.
Plural: Chillers

I never miss an episode of Podcast and Chill because I'm a true Chiller.

We should hang out

It can mean anytime between now and the next 5 years.

We should hang out soon, my friend.


One thing that makes men go crazy

Ndizthandela nje impundu
iDyan ayinophila uba ayityi mpundu


A kasi term for a club or a party or a place where a party takes place

Asambe siye enkwarini

Arthur Zwane

A plumber who is the current coach of Kaizer Chiefs.

Don’t worry, Arthur Zwane is rebuilding.

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