Nka screama gore

A popular Tswana/Sotho phrase on social media that means "I would scream". It's used as an expression when something shocking happens.

Imagine if ISIS would come to South Africa. Yhuu nka screama gore.


Its a word used to replace job

I need to get a small spani just for the moment


A Xhosa name for a traditional nurse that takes care of an initiate (umkhwetha) during initiation (circumcision).

Ikhankatha plays a major role during initiation.


Is a South African slang term for prison or jail.

Idanyane can cause you to do things you never thought you'd do.


Umaqondana is a South African slang term for a main chick or “the one”.

Ngimtholile umaqondana.
I have found the one.


A term used to refer to "something" or a thing.

Have you seen that shandis?


Is a language created by dutch people, although in dutch translates to african it is not of that origin.

I just learned to speak afrikaans.

Wendy Williams Day

An imaginary day in Wendy Williams' mind

Who lied to Wendy Williams about Wendy Williams Day?


Msotra is the slang term for Soweto township.

Ngise Msotra and I'm chillin' with the thugs

Park the bus

In soccer, to park the bus means to play very defensively, to get a lot of players behind the ball. Imagine a bus parked in front of the goal. It is almost impossible to score.

Park the bus, Man United. Playing football the Mourinho way

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