
Fean Someone who craves and/or is obsessed to something that is healthy, good or clean. A clean addiction.

- That dude is really well built... he must be a workout Fean!

- That fisherman eats, sleeps and breaths all things fishing.. he must be a Fishing Fean!



You never know wetin god has for you


Feranja is an insult used towards girls to say they are ratchet or hoes .

Uyi feranja uZenkosi


A fat woman who looks like an idiot.
She doesn't think she's full of diabetes.

The fattest woman is Ngwije.
Even God himself can't reduce her weight.


A Zulu word for asking a girl/guy out.

Ladies must also shela now. #WomenHaveToShela


A trash can, dustbin

Ndizalahla apa le ekumgqomo

Woman on top

Is the sexual position where the woman goes on top of a man (AKA cowgirl).

A lot of women struggle with woman on top.


Refers to being good, okay or doing well/fine.

- How are you? Are you okay?
- Ngimnandi


A Xhosa term for No.

Q: Are you hungry?
A: Hayi


Ijaja is a widely used South African slang term to refer to God.

I don't care what you say, ijaja is my witness.

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