
Yawa is a slang for problem or trouble.

"That girl na yawa" meaning That is trouble.


These word EFIKO stand for a brilliant person

Tolu is an efiko of our class


Mfanaka is a Sotho term that loosely translates to "my boy". It is used to mean my friend, my bro.

Eita, dintshang mfanaka?
How's it going, my boy.


A widely used slang term for saying someone has caught feelings.

I can't believe icatchile idyan.

My friend

This is a term that refers to the Somali or Pakistani shop owners in South Africa. This term started when these shop owners first arrived in South Africa and they referred to everyone as "My friend". The name was then subsequently given to them.

1. Child: Hi, my friend. How much are your sweets?
My friend: It's 2 bob for one sweet, my friend.

2. No one:
Pakistani shop owner: My friend I am not your friend, my friend.

Stop Nonsense

Stop nonsense ekasi are those walls that are built around the house (fence) mostly for security reasons cause you know how it is with crime in Mzansi.

They climbed the stop nonsense and stole the dog


A South African Pedi tribe respectful greeting.



A frontal refers to a hairpiece that has a strip of material which runs from ear to ear.

Every girl deserves ifrontal this December.


In Swahili "Pesa" means money.

Jamaa ana pesa nyingi


mpundu is a Xhosa term for bums or ass.

1. Ndifuna ukutya iimpundu.
2. "Zodwa Wabantu, ndicela undiphe iimpundu" - Big Xhosa.

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