
Ikaka is a term that means shit

Uthetha ikaka kwedini
You are talking shit young boy


A man with a weak and feminine personality

hey wena stop acting like a kangethe


Mgarimbe is the legend who gave us the hit song Sister Betina.

Mgarimbe deserves a lifetime achievement award.


A very bad way of spelling mntase. It is mostly used by Sotho/Tswana people to mock Xhosa people on social media.

Yho motase, I couldn't believe what I saw.


Ajebutter is a term that refers to someone born with a silver spoon or born rich.

That guy is an ajebutter.


Yihlo is a Xhosa term for father or dad. It can also used informally to refer to a male friend or male family member.

Hlonipha uyihlo no nyoko.
Respect your dad and mom.


Itoti is a general term for a can or tin. It can be a can of beer, food or whatever, as long as it's a can you can call it itoti.

I stopped drinking ngud, I only drink itoti now.


A phrase used by someone who isn't in the mood for anything

Akere you can see that I'm not in the mood? Nzame fela ke tlo bontsha Mmao


Also known as S'Pitori, is the language spoken by native people of Pretoria (Pitori). It is a combination of Pedi and Tswana, with a bit of Tsotsi taal.

I speak a bit of Tswana plus sepitori.


Is a name given to a child or children born from South Africa Lady who date a Nigerian guy.

How are your jollofites doing?

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