MD is an abbreviation that has recently been used for Matric Dance. This is the farewell function for Matriculants or grade 12 learners in South Africa.

My school's MD was lit.


Mdantsane is a township in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa}. It is the second largest township in South Africa, after [Soweto.

That boxer is from the streets of Mdantsane.


A slang term for sex or tlof tlof.

Why do guys fall asleep immediately after umdavazo?


A vulgar or explicit way to say butt or ass.

Do not say this to anyone or you will be moered. 

You are mad, mdidi wakho. 


Umdlezana is a Xhosa term for a mother of a new born baby.
Plural: Abadlezana

Unqabile because ngumdlezana kaloku.


Fatcake filled with chicken livers, mince or vegetables

Andiwuthandi lona umdundu.

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