
Another word for food (used commonly by stoners)

....hey bro...after that "session" I'm definitely feeling the munchies.


Garri, pronounced gah-ree,, is made from granulated cassava, a root vegetable that's poisonous unless you peel and cook it first. Commonly found in West Africa, there are two types of garri: yellow and white. The flavor depends on how long it's been fermented and the presence of palm oil.

The prices of staple foods such as rice, beans and garri have increased astronomically.


A term used by RCA students especially Year 2 to mean the fruits that they nowadays eat every Friday because of a certain student who asked for them (Joric). They never believed that it could actually happen.

Dusigaye dusinzira muri Java kubera utujoric two ku wa gatanu.


It is a Hybrid-Kinyarwanda word to mean Milk.
It was invented by RCA boys in around 2022 due to a great increase in the love and desire for milk.

I need Umukamo right now .
T-Ruda is a great milk of all time.


Mamboyi is a colloquial term for alcoholic beverage, Old Buck.

I only drink Mamboyi when I’m in the bundus.


I’m Xhosa, isidovela is a meal where rice is cooked with potatoes in the same pot. You mix it until it kinda looks like pap. You also have to add Spice for rice or Rajah to make it yellow.

Today I am cooking isidovela.


A kasi term used to refer to food.

I am starving, ke batla zozo.
I am starving, I want food.


Fatcake filled with chicken livers, mince or vegetables

Andiwuthandi lona umdundu.


Ukudla is the formal Zulu term for food.

Ngifuna ukudla kwami.
I want my food.


Ukutya is the Xhosa formal term for food.

Ndifuna ukutya kwam.
I want my food

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