
South African slang word for "cool" or "nice"

I just won a bet in Betway.
Lekker bru.


The word 'robot' when used in the context of driving means Traffic light.

"The robot is red..."


A translender is a person who is fat on the outside but slender on the inside. Basically a slender person stuck in a fat person's body.

Don't be fooled by this mkhaba, I'm s translender.

Black Juice

Another name for Carling Black Label. South Africa's favourite beer. Some may call it Zamalek.

Yho the babalaas you would swear I was drinking Black Juice.


Somagwaza, is a rather mysterious, if not mythical, forefather who invented circumcision as a means of passage into manhood for Xhosa people.

I'm sure you didn't know who Somagwaza was 😅


Describes a location, either at home school or any place.

Ituye kum'tsali kamweina.


The last year of high school (grade 12).

I can't wait to do my matric.


polyandry is a form of polygamy in which a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time.

South African women are excited about polyandry but they can't even keep one man.


The only female Webster Spida loves

Mary is so esculent


Moist is a slangs used in most boarding schools. Which means something that is not sweet.

1. This boy too moist abeg
2. O boi wetin you talk moist
3. Moist boy

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